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Shattered Dreams

Shattered Dreams

Jesus – Israel – New dreams, Shattered Dreams What about us? Are we fully turned into Father’s dream? Story of Naomi – Husband & two sons killed. Gets a new dream. Questions & Lessons From Shattered Dreams Question #1 Are shattered...
Tree Of Life Part 2

Tree Of Life Part 2

This Is The 3Rd In The Tree Series Review: Tree Of Good And Evil Listening to other voices over GodRise of selfish thinkingSinful action, Shame, Covering up, VictimizationA value system telling us we are unacceptable, Hide from God, value system that has us Knowing,...
Tree Of Life

Tree Of Life

Review: Tree Of Good And evil Listening to other voices over GodRise of selfish thinkingSinful action, Shame, Covering up, VictimizationA value system telling us we are unacceptable, Hide from God, value system that has us Knowing, Blaming and Judging others. Tree Of...
Tree Of Life

Two Trees Part 1

Genesis 3:1-13 NLT 1 The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” 2 “Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the...